2024 Training Plan

Online training

Software Project Management Training

14-15 Jan 2023

Happy New Year

May all your projects be successful in 2023

Agile Transformation in Software Organizations and DevOPS Webinar

Hosted by the TOBB Software Assembly.

Agile Transformation Live Broadcast has been finished-3 Feb. 2021

Agile Transformation

Women Day Speech by Filiz ESER 8 Mart 2020


IT EntrepreneurShip webinar 27 May 2020 11:00 (MSK)


Configuration Management Training - Online / 21 May 2020

Configuration Management Training Online

Our Training and Consultancy Studies are Continuing Remotely Due to the COVID-19 Outbreak.

Our Training and Consultancy Studies are Continuing Remotely Due to the COVID-19 Outbreak.

Project Management and PMP Exam preparation Training completed

9-13 December 2019-Ankara

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Our expertise in our relationships and in our training is our ilk. If you get in touch with us, we can decide together how we can help you and how we can contribute. You can contact us for your immediate needs or your long-term goals.


Ankara / TURKEY

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